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    This is essentially a ramped up version of our Ardumoto motor driver shield. For this monster shield we’ve replaced the L298 H-bridge with a pair of VNH2SP30 full-bridge motor drivers. We’ve also beefed up the support circuitry so this board is capable of driving a pair of high-current motors!

    Monster Motor Sheild (for Arduino) VNH2SP30 30A

    NPR 1,399.00
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    USB Type ‘B’ Female connector. The 4 connection pins have .1″ spacing allowing it to be inserted into development boards and perf boards with mild modification. You can either drill two 80mil holes for the support posts, or cut them off completely.

    USB Type B Female

    NPR 30.00
  • -79%
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    It is a simple pair of connecting wire that can be cut according to the desire and used in making connections in the circuit. It can be used in both bread board  and the perforated board.

    jumper cable(Wire) per metre

    NPR 25.00
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    This 200k Trimpot will give you a variable resistance. Just turn to change the resistance to the value you need.

    200K Ohm Potentiometer

    NPR 20.00
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    This 500k Trimpot will give you a variable resistance. Just turn to change the resistance to the value you need.

    500K Ohm Potentiometer

    NPR 20.00
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    Basically a 7 segment display is a single unit, which can display only 1 digit or 1 character. More digits are displayed by multiplexing single unit 7 segment displays together to form 2 digit display, 3 digit display or 4 digit 7 segment display. Its quiet easy to interface Arduino and 7 Segment display together!

    Common Anode 10 pin 1 bit 7 segment display

    NPR 40.00
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    Brand Name:WAVGAT
    Peak Non-Repetitive Reverse Voltage:700V
    Model Number:KBU810
    Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage:1000V
    Mean On-State Current:8A
    Type:Bridge Rectifier

    KBU-810 8A 1000V diode bridge rectifier

    NPR 70.00
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    1.Advanced Micro Devices, volume: 1.85 * 211cm

    2.Excellent noise suppression in the case is not connected to the input audio, the ear close to the speaker can not hear any noise

    3.Two-channel stereo, 5V power supply can output 3W +3 W power, can directly drive 4 8 small speaker output power, full of energy, good sound quality.

    4.Unique without LC filter Class D digital power board, and can be used directly to the computer’s USB powered.

    5.Dual-panel wiring, properly solve the crosstalk between the ground potential balance and channel wiring.

    6.Ultra-miniature design, can easily be placed in the internal space for a variety of digital products, ultra high zoom efficiency.

    7.All using the machine for the entire board soldering, hand soldering iron welding quality comparable!

    PAM8403 module Super mini digital amplifier board 2 * 3W Class D digital amplifier board efficient 2.5 to 5V USB power

    NPR 140.00
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    A mini submersible water pump is a centrifugal water pump, which means that it uses a motor to power an impeller that is designed to rotate and push water outwards. The motor is located in a waterproof seal and closely connected to the body of the water pump which it powers.

    Mini Micro Submersible Water Pump DC 2.5-6V Low Noise Brushless Motor Pump120L/H

    NPR 320.00
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    The vibration sensor module based on the vibration sensor SW-420 and Comparator LM393 is used to detect vibrations. The threshold can adjust using an on-board potentiometer. During no vibration, the sensor provides Logic Low and when the vibration is detected, the sensor provides Logic High.


    Vibration Sensor Module

    NPR 350.00
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    Dry film is a polyester film coated with a polymer which is sensitive to ultraviolet light (Photoresist). It adheres by heat to the PCB and allows you to print circuits using any photolithography method. Once photosensitized, it is developed using an alkaline solution.It is widely used at the professional level on the PCB industry.

    UV Photo Sensitive Dry Film for PCB (30cmX1m)

    NPR 1,100.00
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    Power/Voltage: DC 12V

    THis 12V Solenoid lock has a slug with a slanted cut and a good mounting bracket. It’s basically an electronic lock, designed for a basic cabinet, safe or door. When 9-12 VDC is applied, the slug pulls in so it doesn’t stick out and the door can be opened. It does not use any power in this state. It is very easy to install for automatic door lock systems like electric door lock with the mounting board. This solenoid in particular is nice and strong.

    Solenoid 12V DC Electric Lock Assembly

    NPR 1,790.00
  • -12%
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    The speed and performance of the new Raspberry Pi 4 are a step up from earlier models. For the first time, this model of Raspberry Pi is a complete desktop experience. Whether you’re editing documents, browsing the web with a bunch of tabs open, juggling spreadsheets, or drafting a presentation, you’ll find the experience smooth and very recognizable — but on a smaller, more energy-efficient, and much more cost-effective machine. 
    New Features Include:
    • The fanless, energy-efficient Raspberry Pi runs silently and uses far less power than other computers.
    • Raspberry Pi 4 comes with Gigabit Ethernet, along with onboard wireless networking and Bluetooth.
    • Your new Raspberry Pi 4 has upgraded USB capacity: along with two USB 2 ports you’ll find two USB 3 ports, which can transfer data up to ten times faster.
    • Comes with 2GBs of RAM
    • Supports two monitors at once- and in 4K, too!

    Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Plus kit (2GB RAM)

    NPR 15,000.00
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    74HC595D 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel-out shift register with output latches; 3-state, NXP, SO16

    Shift register 74HC595D SOP

    NPR 50.00