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    2N2222A transistor

    NPR 5.00

    The 2N2222 is a common NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) used for general purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications. It is designed for low to medium current, low power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds.

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    2N3904 transistor

    NPR 5.00

    The 2N3904 is a common NPN bipolar junction transistor used for general-purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications.  It is designed for low current and power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds. This transistor is low-cost, widely available and sufficiently robust to be of use by experimenters and electronics hobbyists.

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    BC547 transistor

    NPR 5.00

    BC547 is an NPN bi-polar junction transistor. A transistor, stands for transfer of resistance, is commonly used to amplify current. A small current at its base controls a larger current at collector & emitter terminals.

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    IRF 520 MOSFET

    NPR 100.00

    This N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field
    effect transistor is an advanced power MOSFET designed,
    tested, and guaranteed to withstand a specified level of
    energy in the breakdown avalanche mode of operation. All of
    these power MOSFETs are designed for applications such
    as switching regulators, switching convertors, motor drivers,
    relay drivers, and drivers for high power bipolar switching
    transistors requiring high speed and low gate drive power. 

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    NPR 100.00
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    NPR 5.00