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    • This is 3.3V/5V FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module
    • Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module For Arduino Locks Serial Communication Interface

    FPM10A Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module (3.3V/5V)

    NPR 1,800.00
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    ESP-WROOM-32 ESP32

    NPR 1,940.00
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    Peltier module (thermoelectric module) is a thermal control module that has both “warming” and “cooling” effects. By passing an electric current through the module, it is possible to change the surface temperature and keep it at the target temperature.

    Peltier Thermo-Electric Cooler Module

    NPR 2,200.00
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    The SIM800A Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Module with RS232 Interface is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS solution in an LGA(Land grid array) type which can be embedded in the customer applications. SIM800A support Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900 MHz, it can transmit Voice, SMS and data information with low power consumption.

    With a tiny size, it can fit into slim and compact demands of custom design. Featuring and Embedded AT, it allows total cost savings and fast time-to-market for customer applications.

    The SIM800A modem has a SIM800A GSM chip and RS232 interface while enables easy connection with the computer or laptop using the USB to the Serial connector or to the micro-controller using the RS232 to TTL converter. Once you connect the SIM800A modem using the USB to RS232 connector, you need to find the correct COM port from the Device Manager of the USB to Serial Adapter.

    Then you can open Putty or any other terminal software and open a connection to that COM port at 9600 baud rate, which is the default baud rate of this modem. Once a serial connection is open through the computer or your micro-controller you can start sending the AT commands. When you send AT commands for example “AT\r” you should receive back a reply from the SIM800A modem saying “OK” or other response depending on the command sent.

    Sim 800A with Antenna

    NPR 3,000.00
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    SIM808 module is a GSM and GPS two-in-one function module. It is based on the latest GSM/GPS module SIM808 from SIMCOM, supports GSM/GPRS Quad-Band network and combines GPS technology for satellite navigation.

    Sim 808 Module

    NPR 6,980.00
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    TTGO T-Call v1.3 v1.4 ESP32 Wireless Module & SIM800L GPRS Module (with Antenna) is a custom ESP32 (ESP-WROVER-B 8MB PSRAM) based development board with an onboard 2G/GPRS Module SIM800L. The USB Type C pluggable board also has an onboard LiPo Battery Charging Circuit & Connector and is a good choice for building IoT applications.

    TTGO T-Call V1.3 ESP32 SIM800L Wireless Module

    NPR 11,500.00