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    TDA 7052A

    NPR 149.00

    The TDA7052A/AT are mono BTL output amplifiers with DC volume control. They are designed for use in TV and monitors, but also suitable for battery-fed portable recorders and radios.

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    Teensy 4.0 IMRT1062 Chip Development Board

    NPR 6,400.00

    Teensy 4.0 is the same size and shape as Teensy 3.2, and retains compatibility with most of the pin functions on Teensy 3.2. When running at 600 MHz, Teensy 4.0 consumes approximately 100mA current. Teensy 4.0 provides support for dynamic clock scaling.

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    Temperature Humidity Sensor DHT- 11

    NPR 410.00

    The DHT11 is a basic, ultra low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin (no analog input pins needed). Its fairly simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab data.

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    Temperature Humidity Sensor DHT- 11 Module

    NPR 500.00

    This module integrates DHT11 sensor and other required components on a small PCB.  The DHT11 sensor includes a resistive-type humidity measurement component, an NTC temperature measurement component and a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller inside, and provides calibrated digital signal output.  

    Note: The cable is not included in the pack

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    Temperature Humidity Sensor DHT-22 Module

    NPR 620.00

    DHT22 capacitive humidity sensing digital temperature and humidity module is one that contains the compound has been calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity sensors. Application of a dedicated digital modules collection technology and the temperature and humidity sensing technology, to ensure that the product has high reliability and excellent long-term stability.

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    Thermocouple Temperature Sensor

    NPR 550.00

    It is a MAX6675 thermocouple which is a cold junction compensation, linearity coorection, thermocouple break detection ADC Serial K-type thermocouple, its temperature resolution capability is 0.25 Degree, cold unctioncompensatrion range is -20 to +80’C, wide operqating range 3.0 to 5.5 V.

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    Thyristor / Thermistor

    NPR 30.00

    Thyristor is a solid-state semiconductor device with four layers of alternating N and P-type material. It acts exclusively as a bistable switch, conducting when the gate receives a current trigger, and continuing to conduct while the voltage across the device is not reversed (forward-biased). It is one of the several controllable semi conductor devices that can act either like a switch, rectifier or as a voltage regulator.

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    Tilt Switch Sensor Module

    NPR 350.00
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    TLC 5940NT

    NPR 199.00

    TLC 5940 is a 16 channel LED driver IC. It really is a convenient part, allowing you to adjust the brightness of sixteen individual LEDs via PWM (pulse-width modulation) – and you can also daisy-chain more than one TLC5940 to control even more.

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    TMP36 Temperature Sensor

    NPR 250.00

    TMP36 is a wide range, low power temperature sensor that outputs an analog voltage that is proportional to the ambient temperature.

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    TowerPro MG995 Metal Gear Servo Motor (180º Rotation) (55G)

    NPR 850.00

    It has metal gears which makes it robust and reliable motors. These TowerPro MG995 Metal Gear Servo Motors are the high-speed servo motors with the mighty torque of 10 kg/cm.

    The optimized performance and reliability of this servo have made it the favorite choice of many RC hobbyists.

    The TowerPro MG995 High-Speed Digital Servo Motor rotates 90° in each direction making it 180° servo motor. It is a Digital Servo Motor which receives and processes PWM signal faster and better. It equips sophisticated internal circuitry that provides good torque, holding power, and faster updates in response to external forces.

    They are packed within a tight sturdy plastic case which makes them water and dust resistant which is a very useful feature in RC planes, Boats, and RC Monster Trucks etc. It equips 3-wire JR servo plug which is compatible with Futaba connectors too.

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    TSOP1838 IR Receiver

    NPR 40.00

    Technical specification

    Supply: 5 V
    Power consumption: 0.4 to 1.0 mA
    Min. Ee irradiation: 0.35 mW/m2 typ.
    Angle of detection: 90
    Temperature range: -25 C to +85 C

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    TTGO T-Call V1.3 ESP32 SIM800L Wireless Module

    NPR 11,500.00

    TTGO T-Call v1.3 v1.4 ESP32 Wireless Module & SIM800L GPRS Module (with Antenna) is a custom ESP32 (ESP-WROVER-B 8MB PSRAM) based development board with an onboard 2G/GPRS Module SIM800L. The USB Type C pluggable board also has an onboard LiPo Battery Charging Circuit & Connector and is a good choice for building IoT applications.

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    TTP223B Digital Touch Sensor

    NPR 250.00

    The TTP223 is a touch pad detector IC which offers 1 touch key. The touching
    detection IC is designed for replacing traditional direct button key with diverse pad size.
    Capacitive touch allows electronics to sense when your finger is within a few millimetres
    of a surface to simulate a button “press” just like how the pushbutton works. Capacitive
    sensing may be used in any place where low to no force human touch sensing is