• Quick View

    Annoying that the programmer has 10 pins, while the Arduino boards only have 6 pins! That leads to a lot of loose wires and faulty connections. This 10 to 6 pin adapter for the USBASP avr programmer is guaranteed to solve this problem.

    Technical Specifications –
    No. of Pin on USBASP side: 10.
    No. of Pin on Device under programming side: 6.
    Connector type on USBASP side: Male.
    Connector type on Device under programming side: Female.

    USB-ASP Adapter

    NPR 120.00
  • Quick View

    This is an USBasp programmer for uploading source codes (Programs that run your electronic devices from your microwave to your quad-copter) to a Micro-controller unit using standard USB port as input, and the 10 on-board pins as output, and the 6 pins ICSP converter, you can use this to program your arduino with ease. 

    USBASP AVR Programmer(with wire)

    NPR 480.00