Using IO port trig trigger location, to the high level signal of at least 10us module automatically sends 8 40khz fang bo, automatic detecting whether a signal return. A signal return, a high level is output through the io port echo, the time duration of the high level is ultrasonic from launch to return. The test distance = (high level time * speed of sound (340m/s)) /2ranging, the measured object area of not less than 0. 5 square meters and the plane as required to smooth, otherwise affect the measurement results.
JSN-SR40T Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor Module
NPR 1,800.00 -
Take your sonar outside – great for all weather robots! The XL-MaxSonar-WRMA1 ignores smaller targets and only reports the range to target with the largest acoustic return. This is our most advanced weather resistant sensor designed for target detection and ranging outdoors or in tank or bin applications.
Waterproof ultrasonic sensor
NPR 890.00